About Us
Pure Insight delivers a comprehensive package of services for care experienced young people, providing access to the highest quality support - via a single ‘front door’, delivered by specialist voluntary sector organisations working together in formal partnership. We are delivering this approach in 5 local authorities, we aim to expand the offer more widely as a series of core and additional services that can be commissioned by councils based on their local context.
Our model responds to huge unmet needs: both in terms of a single dedicated service which offers consistent long-term support; and the lack of specialist services (e.g. mental health; employment support) which can provide intensive, time-limited help through crisis.

We recently commissioned an evaluation of all our services to discover what works well, why and most importantly what difference our projects make to the lives of young people. There is a full report and a summary which would be a great place to start your journey with Pure Insight.
See the highlights of 2023/24 for Pure insight and our plans for the coming year.

1. A lead voluntary sector care leaver organisation, which advocates for care leavers and manages the partnerships, data, service user journey, liaison with statutory.
2. A highly effective community based volunteer Mentoring programme for care leavers.
3. A Psychological Wellbeing Service, with psychological wellbeing workers delivering a range of therapeutic interventions for young care leavers at times and in places suitable to them.
4. Fast Track Counselling service – trauma worker to provide 1:1 trauma counselling to care leavers.
5. Care Leaver Parents Service –additional wrap around support systems for young parents in need
6. Care Leaver Employment Support - Specialist Supported Employment workers providing tailored 1:1 support package
7. Group/Peer Support Projects – with a focus on wellbeing, connection and belonging
We are a growing community passionate about supporting care experienced young people to thrive.